If you are what you eat and want more muscle mass, it is very difficult for you to be a vegetarian, especially since most men like to consume things that are of animal origin. Hair, skin, bones, and nails are mostly protein based. In addition, these products are a living fuel for your muscles. This is perhaps why Rocky used to pop a few eggs in his mouth before going for a run. However, many studies have been done so you can know what to eat to get the results you want.

Think big if you are an athlete or like to push yourself hard. Most adults should consume about fifty-six grams of protein per day, which is the recommended dose of protein that your child should receive. The benefits of these substances are not only limited to your muscles, but they also make you feel less hungry and prevent obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

To know how much protein you should eat, you need to be honest with yourself about how much physical activity you do. Athletes who are active in competitions are required to eat 0.77 grams of protein per day, an amount that corresponds to each kilogram they weigh. This means that a man who weighs 81.5 kilograms should eat about 139 grams of protein per day. Those who engage in physical activity more than five times a week need 0.55 grams for every pound they weigh. Those who only train forty-five minutes three to five times a week 0.45 grams per pound, which means that a guy who weighs less than eight kilos needs eighty grams of protein a day.

These substances are also essential if you are trying to lose some weight. The fewer calories you eat, the more protein you should consume. You must increase the necessary amount of 0.45 to 0.68 grams for every pound you weigh to maintain your muscle mass. Excessive amounts of these substances do not have a negative impact on the kidneys, at least so American nutritionists say. However, you have no benefit if you consume more protein. It won’t do any harm, but it won’t do any good either.

You can find a lot of protein in foods like nuts or beans, but the best sources are still products made from milk, eggs, meat, and fish. Animal proteins are complete. They contain the right amount of amino acids and essential acids that your body needs to synthesize. You may want to get all your plant protein by combining grains with vegetables and fruits, but you only need to consume 25 percent more plant protein per day than animal protein to get the results you want. In addition, vegetables contain carbohydrates that prevent weight loss.

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