Want to cover the incredible 26.2 miles? Then you need some tips for running marathons. Running a marathon is quite a feat, but the main job is in training and preparation. Running marathons is often compared to having a baby. The delivery itself is what a lot of people talk about, but the previous nine months count as much, maybe even more! Any runner, new or experienced, can use some marathon training tips to make sure the road to the Great Race is as efficient and effective as possible.

Marathon Running Tip # 1: Mileage Ahead of Speed

Training for a marathon means running a lot. But before it’s quick, you need to be able to build that all-important foundation. So don’t even try to speed unless you have a lot of experience. As a new runner, it is much better to focus on running with ease. That should be the core of your training. You must first be able to cover the distance. Only then will you be ready for bigger and better things (i.e. speed). So be sure to take advantage of your mileage before doing anything else.

Tip No. # 2 for running a marathon: long runs

A crucial ingredient in your preparation to run a marathon is long-term running. The general rule of thumb is that you do about five or six twenty-mile runs in your training. This is crucial in teaching your body to improve its fuel burning processes and extend the time you can run on easy carbs. When you run out of carbs, your body needs to switch to burning fat, which is much more difficult. This is the moment when you will feel like you are running on empty or, as they say, the “man with the hammer” is coming to visit.

Now newer training methods suggest that the long term is not as important as was traditionally believed. And it’s true, if you were only running 40 miles per week, and therefore your long run would be 50% of your weekly mileage, then that long run becomes incredibly difficult on the body. When you have low weekly mileage, it may actually be better not to do the long runs of 20 miles, but to make them a little shorter, say 16 miles. But that would mean you would have to do more medium to long runs and / or higher intensity long runs to compensate for this.

Tip for running a marathon n. 3: medium and long runs

Your marathon performance will greatly benefit from a second long run, shorter than the longest run. Your body needs to increase that exposure for longer runs. So, try to run as many runs for 90 minutes as you can handle and fit in. The workout lasts more than 90 minutes and will help your body change its fuel burning processes.

Marathon Running Tip No. 4: tap

To be optimally prepared for race day, you need to write. After all, marathon training will make you feel very tired. If you want fresh legs, reduce your training load in the last three weeks before the race. Also make sure your last 20 mile run is at least three weeks before the race.

If for whatever reason your schedule gets complicated, don’t give in to the temptation to run your 20 miles next weekend, that is, two weeks before the race. It is much better to start the race with fresh legs, although a little badly prepared, than to start with tired legs.

Your main marathon training takes place 1 to 6 months before race day. So don’t try to increase your mileage in the last minute in the weeks leading up to the marathon. It might give you some extra confidence that you’ve done what you had to do in training, but it will actually backfire because you’ll just be tired when you run.

Marathon Tip # 5: Be Smart About Food

Because marathon training is so difficult, you need to make sure you eat right. Make sure you eat enough carbohydrates. This is your fuel. In the week leading up to the race, you will want to hydrate well and consume more carbohydrates than usual. But don’t gorge yourself. You want to have a lot of energy, but not feel lazy.

Also note that you will need to refuel during the race. You need to know exactly what you are eating and when. And you should try in training everything you want to eat before and during the marathon. Whether it’s bars, gels, sports drinks, or “real food.” When you have stomach cramps during your marathon because you’re eating something you’ve never tried before while running, there’s no one to blame but yourself. So make sure you are well prepared in everything to do with your marathon, including food intake!

The marathon is an incredible event, with a great attraction for the young and old, those who are fit and those who are not. Whether you are an elite runner or a beginner, the marathon will take it all away. So make sure you are optimally prepared with the marathon running tips above and combine them with a positive attitude. You have to believe in yourself and know that you can achieve great things, so when the going gets tough in the last few miles, keep going!

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