The entrance to your home is vitally important in feng shui. It is the main source of energy, or chi, entering your home and every other room in your house benefits or is diminished by its proper functioning. The most important thing to remember about any entryway or foyer for feng shui is that you should feel uplifted when you walk through the front door.

In order to feel uplifted, most of us need to feel some sense of order and beauty. So it makes sense that the first thing a feng shui expert wants for an entryway is for it to be clear and well lit. This means that any mail storage must be hidden or kept in a good state. Coats, boots, and sports gear need to be so neatly arranged that you actually feel good looking at them, or they need to be out of place in the closet. Even the closet, in fact, needs to be cleared and rearranged for optimal use. Closets are very important in feng shui. You shouldn’t walk into your hallway and think “oh, that’s nice…just don’t let anyone open that closet.”

Make sure your front door can be opened fully without hitting anything. This is extremely important. In fact, if you can only fix one thing about your driveway right now, clear behind the front door. Anything that blocks this door, or behind it, will block your opportunities. There’s no storage space back there.

If there is no natural light in your entryway, you will want to paint it a light color and then get a lamp with a full spectrum bulb to give the impression of good light. The bulbs must be covered; It’s not nice to be temporarily blinded by looking at an uncovered bulb.

The next requirement to be elevated is not to feel restricted. This shows the flow of chi through space, but in a more practical way it shows how the flow of traffic through space works. Ideally, your front door will open to a doorway that doesn’t face a closed wall and doesn’t face a window, or worse, a door that leads to the backyard. The nearby wall stops the flow of chi and the glass door causes it to run straight through the hall and out of the house through the glass door exit (usually the patio door).

If your entryway opens into a closed wall, put up a large picture of something you a) love b) have depth and c) provide something you want to bring into your life. For example, if you’re longing for romance, put up a beautiful, colorful image of a happy couple doing what you’d like to do, perhaps traveling. If you’re craving excitement and some risk, find a colorful image of the Pamplona running of the bulls, or anything else that excites you every time you look at it (this could be especially powerful for someone who works in the stock market).

If your entrance opens to an exit door, position furniture so that the flow of traffic (and chi) has to move around a bit. This may mean adding a side table or placing a large plant in a strategic spot. If there is no place for any of that, hanging a crystal will do.

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