How much protein do I need each day to see results? How Much Protein is Too Much? And how many grams of protein can my body assimilate at each meal?

“The only way to build muscle is by eating enough complete protein every day. Eating calories is not enough. If you don’t eat a protein-rich meal within 60 to 90 minutes of training, you’re essentially wasting the time you put into it. working out your muscles at the gym. Personally, I try to get at least 350-400 grams of protein per day in the off-season, with a body weight of around 235 pounds. ” – Jason Arntz, IFBB professional bodybuilder.

“You should stick to a diet high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates, and low in fat. A good rule of thumb would be to get about 50% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 10% from fat. gain quality muscle while still being quite lean. ” – Chad Nicholls, professional sports nutritionist.

This is just a template; everyone’s genetic makeup and metabolism is different. You should tailor these percentages to fit your specific needs. For example, if you gain weight easily, you may need to reduce your carbohydrate intake; If you stay very lean, you may need to increase your carbohydrate intake.

“The guidelines we generally use are 0.67-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. That amount does not guarantee results; it guarantees that you are meeting your protein requirement. Results are based on your genetics and your fitness program. training. “- Kritin Reimers, Ph.D., RD, is director of nutrition and health at Conagra Brands.

More than the amount of protein, an important consideration is the quality of the protein in your food. The highest quality protein is found in animal sources such as eggs, beef, and milk. That recommendation above assumes that two-thirds come from a high-quality protein. If you get a lot of protein from breads and pastas, you will probably need more than 1 gram per pound each day.

To answer the second question, some believe that high protein intake stresses the kidneys, causes the body to lose calcium, and dehydrates it. Let’s address each of those concerns. First, kidney stress applies to people who have a history of kidney disease; for healthy people, it is probably not a problem. Second, increasing protein intake increases the excretion of calcium in the urine, but the body adapts by increasing the absorption of calcium from food. Third, there is a mandatory urine leakage, but most healthy athletes will drink enough fluids.

Keep in mind that focusing solely on one nutrient in the diet is unhealthy. If you’re on an almost exclusively protein diet, you can bet you’re missing out on key nutrients. If you keep a balance between carbohydrates, protein and fat, and do not overeat in terms of total calories, your protein intake will not be excessive.

To address the third question, I don’t believe in the idea that your body can only assimilate a certain number of grams of protein per meal, be it 30 or whatever. That notion assumes that it doesn’t matter whether I weigh 300 pounds or 120 pounds, and it doesn’t matter whether I just woke up from watching TV. There is no sacrificial basis for those limits.

What happens is this: your body has a reserve of amino acids that is continually being replenished; As the proteins you eat break down, some will go into that pool, while others can be used for energy. If you get enough protein, your body will either take in what it can and burn the rest for energy or store it as fat. Of course, it makes sense not to eat all your protein at once; instead, break it up into 3-4 meals a day. This should normally happen unless you are taking extreme measures not to.

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