Try not to panic if your wife is always mad at you and says your marriage is over. You can save your marriage from divorce just as I have along with thousands of other men. This article will talk about my experience with a falling apart marriage and the steps I took to save it.

A few years ago I was in a very difficult situation in my own marriage. My wife and I hadn’t gotten along for quite some time, and it seemed to me that she was almost always mad at me about something. Honestly, it seemed like no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t do anything right in her eyes. She constantly told me that she was not happy. We tried counseling and things calmed down for a while, but eventually it was back to the same thing.

It finally got to the point where she told me she didn’t want to be married anymore. This was quite difficult for me because I really felt that she had been trying. I treated her with love and respect. I tried to do nice things for her. I carried my weight with chores and finances and taking care of the kids. So what the hell was the problem?

The story could have ended right there with a divorce as it happens to millions of men every year. But I discovered a few things in time to save my marriage when it seemed hopeless before. If you think your marriage is over because your wife is always mad at you, consider this:

1. An angry or emotional wife does not mean the marriage is over. As long as there is anger, there will be FEELINGS! A marriage is truly over when there is total and utter INDIFFERENCE. She does not love you. She doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t feel ANYTHING for you. At this point, she has probably already filed for divorce, divided assets, made plans for the children, etc. As long as you have an angry wife, you have a saveable marriage.

2. There are a series of very common mistakes that most men make when faced with a possible divorce. Many of them even seem to be the right thing to do. The fact is that the things you really should be doing may seem like the complete opposite. It is very important to learn these mistakes and how to avoid them.

3. There is a strong possibility that you are in an extremely under-resourced emotional state right now. This is a bad place to be because you won’t be as equipped to know the proper course of action to take. Anger, jealousy, depression, despair, etc. it must be replaced by a calmer and more rational state of mind. It is vital that you take immediate action soon. Your actions over the next few days and weeks will be highly critical. You must make the most of this time!

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