I would say that most herpetologists may not be too concerned with whether or not their reptile likes them. They usually have a large collection of snakes, lizards, turtles, and even frogs. They may seem well cared for on a physical level and neglected on a personal level. Reptiles are also known as “exotic pets.” The reptile trade is appalling and many people, including myself, do not support this trade. About ninety-five percent of animals will die from being poorly transported and insufficiently cared for on their journey to and from different countries.

Just like children, animals are a reflection of your home life, and their happiness and satisfaction will largely depend on the quality time you are willing to give them. Reptiles are very ancient creatures that go back a long way in history. All reptiles are ectothermic, therefore they show affection a little differently than a cat or dog. In the wild, they can almost stop their heartbeat. They have the ability to slow down their metabolism in winter to hibernate, this is also known as brumation.

I have had a pet gecko since he was just two weeks old, he is a rambunctious, happy and content twelve year old. He behaves similar to a dog in slow motion. He has been tamed, for example, when I call out to him, he normally responds by turning his body and looking in the direction of my voice. I need to call his name several times before he gets close to me. Reptiles do not require daily feeding. They can go weeks without eating, especially if they are in hibernation mode. How do you know your reptile likes you?

They will feel comfortable around you. If you have created a truly successful bond, they will allow you to hand feed them without biting. This is the strongest indication that they have accepted you as their trusted friend.

When my pet wants attention, he sticks his head out of his enclosure indicating that he wants to go for a run. She has now decided that she wants to eat her mashed vegetables with a plastic spoon once a week. This unusual habit came after she underwent a tummy tuck two years ago to remove a fatty tumor. She expects to be spoon-fed and knows when I am preparing her food. One would think it was almost psychic.

My snake “Tilly” used to take my glasses off when he wanted my attention by kissing my face similar to how a cat does. She would always pick the most awkward time to do this. I never turned her down. She loved her cold-blooded affection and was honored that my pet had allowed me to become so attached to them. Not many reptile handlers can say they have been this close to a reptile. Building a bond of trust between you and your reptile takes time, patience, and consistency, especially with reptiles. These cold-blooded beauties have fascinated me for many years. I have watched their antics in the wild, marveling at their uncanny ability to change color so quickly and often due to their moods and the different temperatures of the day. They are very diverse animals and well adapted to survive in the wild. As a reptile handler, I have learned that you can never own them. You share your time and the enthusiastic passion you have with them. I have a wonderful bond with my pet lizard Abbott.

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