In the early 20th century, author James Allen wrote “As a Man Thinks,” a book that has inspired millions of people around the world. Considered one of the first self-improvement books, As a Man Thinketh explores the concept of “thoughts are things” and shares his insights on how every thought we have has a direct impact on the life we ​​live.

Louise L. Hay is a professor and professor of metaphysics, and the author of 27 best-selling books, including “You Can Heal Your Life.” This New York Times bestseller has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Within the pages of this book, Ms. Hay explains how anyone can change the quality of her life simply by changing the way she thinks.

It is very likely that you have heard of mind-body theory before. Maybe you even agree that your thoughts do, in fact, have power. But, is it possible to cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome? [], or IBS, with body language? Can we really cure diseases and disorders simply by noticing our thoughts? According to Dr. John Veltheim, the answer is a resounding “YES!”

BodyTalk is a fairly new system that combines yoga, philosophy, physics, mathematics, acupuncture, and applied kinesiology with Western medical expertise. Those who have tried it affirm that it has changed their lives forever.

The BodyTalk system was developed by Dr. John Veltheim in 1995, who introduced it to North America in 1998. Since then, it has been taught to over a thousand professionals worldwide. With the help of a trained BodyTalk facilitator, the system harnesses the innate intelligence of the patient’s body prior to treatment.

The BodyTalk system works by first identifying weakened energy pathways within the body through muscle testing, also known as neuromuscular feedback. When the body has a weak muscular response, it is an indication that it is a priority area. For example, if you are allergic to something and you touch a sample of the substance you are allergic to, all the muscles in your system will become weak. If you are not allergic to the substance, all the muscles in your body will remain strong when you touch the substance.

Once priority areas are located, the BodyTalk practitioner follows a comprehensive protocol of questions to establish which balances need to be restored within the body. The BodyTalk practitioner uses a variety of energy balancing techniques to help the patient restore natural energy flow and communication throughout the body.

BodyTalk is classified as a totally non-invasive way to cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [] system. It can be used to treat people of all ages and has also been used successfully to treat pets. The BodyTalk system has been proven effective in helping the body return to optimal function, with many reporting accelerated healing after just one or two sessions.

IBS sufferers can benefit greatly by using the BodyTalk system. BodyTalk practitioners can be found all over the world and many even make house calls.

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