In the 1996 film The Fan, starring Robert De Niro, a Rottweiler was finally accurately portrayed. This fictional dog loved to run on the beach, play with the kids, and was a great softie. Although the movie was not about the Rottweiler, it is a good indication of their true nature. Due to their strength, they are not recommended for first-time dog owners or those of a shy disposition.

Rottweilers are incredibly eager to please and highly trainable. They are also very big, very boisterous and naturally like to question orders. There is not a single bad bone in their bodies, unless they are taught to be bad or given proper exercise and care. If left chained in a backyard, he will go crazy from boredom and trying to get someone’s attention. These are dogs that thrive indoors with people.

Rottweiler dogs have a reputation for being fierce attack dogs. In the 1980s, the average American was more afraid of them than pit bulls. They can provoke attitudes of fear, anger and panic in strangers who do not know anything about their true nature. If you are thinking of taking on a Rottweiler, ask your neighbors how they feel about these dogs. Rottweilers generally do not do well in cramped apartments or rooms, unless they get a lot of daily exercise.

Be aware that Rottweiler dogs grow very large. Everything about them is great. Their appetites, their size (they average over eighty pounds as adults), their exercise needs, their waste, and their ability to love. However, they don’t need much in the way of grooming and they like to pay attention to their people’s every move, which makes them so much easier to train since you already have their attention.

You must be consistent and patient when training these dogs. Begin training the moment you bring him home, no matter how young the puppy is or how old the dog is. Old Rottweilers are as capable of learning as eight-week-old pups. The desire to please is so strong that they will try anything to get your approval. If you come across a problem pet, get the help of a professional trainer. Both will need training.

Rottweilers deserve a reputation for being great watchdogs. They are generally suspicious of strangers and will talk about any strangers on their property. Because they are kind to their families, they are aggressive towards any stranger they think is acting threatening. Some dogs don’t get along with other dogs, but many will get along with all kinds of animals. Rottweiler dogs tend to live for ten to twelve years with luck and good care. Hopefully, this information will ensure a long and happy relationship for you and your pet.

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