When you use the Law of Attraction to create the life you want, it’s not just about visualizing and focusing on your desires. There is much more to it than that and finding your inner stillness, or your Core Self as we call it, will literally change your life.

You are a physical being on this Earth, but there is a Core Being that is your true self within you. The real you is filled with all the knowledge there is in the Universe. The real you understands why others do what they do and the real you loves unconditionally. The real you, the core Self you, knows the purpose of your physical life. It is when we decide to come to this Earth, to understand and learn more about the many levels of love, that the Universe gives us the creation of having a physical body and actually experiencing the physical.

Think of a time when someone told you about a trip you may have taken. Maybe they went to Ireland or visited England and saw Stonehenge and described it in detail and even showed you photos. Did you actually experience physically going on the trip? No, you listened and enjoyed and visualized what your friend told you about her trip. But until you’ve experienced it, it’s just someone else’s memory.

So it is with the Core Self.

The Central Being knows everything with the exception of living the experience in 3D; It’s illusion but real nonetheless. We come here to have the physical experience and not just to listen and learn from another’s thoughts.

Your core Self is always connected to the Universe and when you can feel that you are connected, you will be able to find thoughts and ideas you never knew existed to help you with life here.

So where do you start to find your inner stillness? You start through meditation. When you meditate you are not doing anything; you are sitting in the stillness. You are relaxing and just ‘being’. When you relax and just ‘be’, you truly realize the connection that is there (all the time) with the Universe. Giving your body time to relax and giving your Core Self some time to fully connect will help you achieve the life you want. How is this possible? Because even though you are always connected to the Universe, you are giving the Universe its own time with the physical body silent and still (and the physical self not in the way) so that you are a clear channel for receiving infusions of ideas. and knowledge that will help you with your physical life and all your desires.

Will you immediately know the answers to all the world’s problems? It’s possible, but most likely (like everyone else) getting your mind to shut down through meditation can be challenging. And when you have chatter in your head, the core Self can be hard to hear and hear. Even if you can sit for just a few moments without mental chatting, it’s a start. We also have the logical mind that has to add up its two cents, and confusing your logical mind with inner stillness can give you answers that aren’t entirely accurate.

I carry a small notebook with me when I prepare to meditate. I sit still and clear my mind and I don’t wait… I just relax and continue to clear my mind when the thoughts of the day come. Even if you don’t get insight, meditation can help you solve problems and find answers throughout the day because of the inner stillness you get through meditation.

By taking this time with your Core Self, each day you will become calmer and more serene. The impatience will start to go away and with most people insights and insights will come, not just in meditation but throughout the week.

Find the time for yourself to get to know your ‘Core Self’ because that is who you really are and once you do, the Law of Attraction will become so much clearer in your life.

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