For women, the prospect of a spa day means hours of pampering the skin, as well as an opportunity to relax and release tension in a calm and relaxing environment. Spending a day like this can make you feel vibrant, attractive, and young. Unfortunately, although the skin on the penis is subject to some rough handling on a day-to-day basis, the average spa does not offer this kind of luxurious service for the male anatomy. While it may not seem fair, this does not mean that men cannot enjoy the benefits of soft, smooth and youthful skin for themselves. A home penis treatment can leave the pack feeling supple and rejuvenated, and can even help increase the feeling that has become dull over the years.

Who can benefit?

A penis treatment like this is intended for men who may have penile skin that has become dry, rough, and keratinized due to daily wear and tear from rubbing with clothing, as well as dry masturbation and / or prolonged sexual contact. . Men who have open sores or lesions, or who have experienced an injury that caused pain or bruising, should seek professional medical advice and follow their doctor’s treatment recommendations.

4 steps to a younger, healthier penis

one. Soak. A long bath can ease the pain that results from a long session with a partner or a bit of solo fun; and of course, it is relaxing for the whole body. Fill the bathtub with warm, not hot water (water that is too hot can strip your skin of its natural oils and leave it dry, tight, and itchy). Using scented bath salts or oils may seem luxurious, but it’s not really a good idea, as the chemical additives can irritate the delicate skin of the penis.

After soaking it in warm water for at least ten minutes, accumulated body oils, dirt and other substances can be easily removed with your fingertips. Uncircumcised men should be sure to remove the foreskin and remove any smegma. This cheesy white substance that collects under the sheath is a haven for bacteria and can cause nasty skin infections characterized by redness, pain, and swelling; in addition to this, it can produce an unpleasant fishy aroma.

two. Exfoliate. After cleaning and relaxing in a warm bath, it is a good idea to exfoliate the skin of the penis. Exfoliation can remove dead skin cells and improve the appearance of your skin, leaving it looking more vibrant and healthy. Exfoliation of the penis should not involve more than a soft cloth with a soft cloth; Rubbing, using a rough cloth, or applying a chemical scrub can damage sensitive skin. Some experts recommend using milk as a penis scrub; just rub and wait 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

3. Hydrate. Once you have completed these steps, it is important to carefully pat the area dry with a soft towel, never rub it dry. An all-natural moisturizer should be applied to the skin immediately afterwards, while the skin is still warm and at its most absorbent. A high-quality plant-based emollient such as shea butter is recommended as it is suitable for almost all skin types and has powerful moisturizing and healing properties.

Four. Nourish. With all of this work to restore a youthful look and feel to the penis, it is important to remember that even manhood needs proper nutrition to stay healthy and function at its best. Nutrients such as vitamin C are essential to reduce keratinization or tightening of the skin that occurs naturally in reaction to continuous friction against the skin. Vitamins A and E leave skin soft and smooth, while vitamins B and D have general protective properties. All of these nutrients can be found in a premium quality vitamin penis cream. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A nutrient-rich penis cream can be used as needed or daily for optimal penis health.

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