Patients may perceive things very differently than we might think about the medical care they receive, and family members may also perceive things differently than we would expect from what they observe when care is provided to their loved ones. dear ones Therefore, we must assume that a healthcare provider’s attitude is quickly filtered through the lens of customer perception. From the client’s point of view, if things don’t go as planned, they may experience fear, feelings of disappointment, frustration, and even anger. Their anger is often directed at the health care provider in general. Little things look big in the eyes of the customer and any The health care provider who is present may be the target of the client’s fear, frustrations, and possibly anger.

A nurse’s thoughts may include: “I can’t do anything about how they feel.” To some extent this may be true, however there are actions nurses can take and should consider to offer reassurance to their clients. I have also experienced that some clients can be extremely difficult to care for for reasons that may Their attitude may be less than stellar, but nurses must always remember that it is the patient who is seeking care for a health issue that can be extremely difficult to accept or cope with.

A diagnosis of coronary artery disease often requires a change in lifestyle or habits. Lifestyle changes will impact people in a variety of ways: social, financial, occupational and self-esteem, any of which their emotions can manifest in the form of anger and frustration towards anyone close to them. Many times, nurses become the sounding board for life stressors that our clients experience and may have difficulty coping with. I’m sure there are many other real life situations that nurses have experienced. We need to reflect on our therapeutic communication training and revive some of the effective skills that will help clients cope with challenges in their lives that have been exacerbated by a change in their health status.

Nurses must strive for patience, professional communication, and empathy. Remember, if the customer “feels” that you are rude, inconsiderate, impatient, or that you don’t care, your risk of being sued is significantly higher if things don’t go as planned. NOW LISTEN TO THIS: It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. It can be all about customer perception!

Tips to increase the relationship with patients

1. Self-awareness and effective communication skills include the following:

  • Verbal communication is typically considered spoken words.
  • Nonverbal communication includes gestures, expressions, and body language.
  • Nurses should use positive body language, such as sitting at client’s eye level with a relaxed posture that projects interest and attention. Leaning slightly forward will help engage the client. It is generally best not to cross your arms or legs when communicating with customers because this poses barriers to interaction with customers. Uncrossed arms and legs project openness and willingness to participate in conversation. Make sure your verbal responses are consistent with your nonverbal messages.

2. Nurses evaluate and interpret all forms of communication with the patient.

  • Silence and listening are some of the most difficult but often the most effective communication techniques to use during verbal interactions.
  • Passive listening is letting the client speak, but,
  • Active listening reflects on what the client is talking about.

3. Techniques that inhibit therapeutic communication include:

Advice – tell a patient what to do

Agreement – agree with a particular point of view of a client (the client may not want to change his mind if he thinks he is against what the nurse accepts)

challenges – challenge the client’s beliefs with arguments, logical thinking or direct command (a nurse puts a client down).

Reinsurance – tell a customer that everything will be fine (this statement may not be true)

disapproval – judging the situation and the client’s behavior (the nurse belittles the client).

Remember, a patient’s perception of the care they received is not necessarily what they received! Right or wrong. It starts with a perception that is “real” to the customer.

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