Learn how to use quartz crystal singing bowls to balance the third eye chakra

A fluid, balanced and open chakra system is easy to achieve with some discipline and a few simple tools. Combining the use of quartz crystal singing bowls with meditation can effectively open your chakras. There are seven chakras in the system, each with its own specific function. Read on for the third eye chakra, possibly the most fascinating chakra of all, and an easy and simple meditation with a quartz crystal bowl that can be opened and unlocked.

What is the third eye chakra?

The third eye chakra is the sixth energy center in the chakra system, and is located just above and between your two eyes, which is why it is also known as the brow chakra. It governs the brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pineal gland, and pituitary gland. This is the chakra most famously responsible for your extrasensory abilities, such as intuition, clairvoyance, and telepathy, but it also governs more mundane abilities such as your powers of visualization, dreams, and imagination. Well balanced, the third eye blesses the individual with strong intuitive, psychic and intellectual gifts, as well as openness to new ideas and people. Wisdom, conscientiousness, objectivity, and the ability to learn from your experiences are qualities of an individual with a healthy third eye chakra. However, if you allow this chakra to become unbalanced, you will end up being rigid and unimaginative, with an over-reliance on rational and logical thinking. People with an imbalance here can also seem fickle and preoccupied, living too much in the mind, or at worst delusional with an inability to differentiate fantasy from reality.

Third Eye Chakra Opening with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation

The note associated with the third eye chakra is A and its color is indigo blue. For the quartz crystal singing bowl meditation, it is important to have one that is specifically tuned to the note A for this meditation to work, as each chakra has its own special vibration. It is not effective to substitute different notes for the same chakra.

To get started, set aside a few minutes of uninterrupted time and make yourself as comfortable as possible. You can be sitting or lying down, it is totally up to you. Strike your singing bowl three times to signal the start of your meditation. Then, wrap the pickguard around the rim and start playing the bowl, making sure the sounds become a consistent, pure, even tone. Then slow your breathing down to a steady, even rhythm, making sure to breathe deeply and fully.

Meditation is best done with your eyes closed, but if you can’t do it while playing the game, you can keep your eyes open. Look up with your inner eyes at your third eye area, or in other words, focus your attention solely on that area. The combination of the sound of your singing bowl, plus a constant focus on the third eye, will gently open the chakra. If you want, you can also imagine a blue flame or pearl emanating from your third eye. Do this only for short periods of time, as you don’t want to open your third eye too quickly or too soon. It should be a gradual process. Some affirmations you may want to try for this chakra include:

  • I open myself to my intuition and deeper knowledge.
  • I create clarity and unlimited vision for myself about my life.
  • I am open to new ideas, people and situations, which will improve my joy and happiness.

With diligent practice and effort, using these techniques with your quartz crystal singing bowl is sure to give you an open and flowing third eye chakra and its blessing of intuitive, psychic and intellectual gifts.

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