This article looks at the health benefits of acupuncture treatment and how acupuncture can help your body.

Acupuncture is a famous treatment procedure for a wide range of health conditions. It is a drug-free approach that involves inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points on the body. So when and where did it originate? How does it work? What are the health benefits of acupuncture treatment? Does it have side effects? Read on to find out everything you need to know about acupuncture.

When and where did it originate?

Acupuncture is the oldest form of treatment dating back to the 2nd century BC. C. Its roots go back to China, where it started before spreading to other parts of the world. Despite the rapid growth and inventions in the field of medicine, acupuncture has proven its worth and is still used in conjunction with modern medical practices.

What health conditions is it used to combat?

Acupuncture is used to combat various health conditions related to the body’s digestive, reproductive, and respiratory systems. Such conditions include acute bronchitis, chronic tonsillitis, migraine, infertility, low back pain, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, facial paralysis, spasm of the cardia and esophagus, and many more. This procedure can also be used to combat addictions such as smoking and alcoholism. Acupuncture corrects imbalances in the main organs of the body, which is the main origin of many diseases, which prevents their development.

how acupuncture works

Acupuncture is based on the assumption that most health conditions develop due to blockage or interruption of the flow of vital energy in the body. This interruption or blockage of the flow results in the accumulation of fluid in some parts of the body, causing swelling and pain due to excess pressure. A blockage also cuts off the supply of nutrients to all parts of the body, leading to malnutrition. This causes one to feel fatigued, weak, and even experience slow healing if you have injuries to these parts.

Acupuncture removes blockages in the body, thus relieving pain and swelling, allowing nutrients to reach all parts of the body, causing one to relax. The body’s energy balance is restored making one feel vibrant and full of energy. This treatment approach involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body called acupuncture points. Depending on the condition being treated, the insertion points and number of needles may vary from person to person. The needles used in the treatment are pre-sterilized and must be used only once. They are inserted just under the skin or deeper to reach the muscle where they are left in place for about 20 to 40 minutes. In some cases, the needles can be rotated or stimulated with a mild electrical current. At the end of the session, you will get a deep sense of relaxation.


The procedure is not painful, but one may experience a tingling sensation or warmth when the doctor inserts the needles. If you experience excessive pain, numbness, or any other form of discomfort, let your doctor know right away.

Benefits of acupuncture?

  • No significant side effects compared to drug use.
  • Can be combined with other forms of treatments when carried out properly
  • One receives personalized therapy according to their needs.
  • It works as a preventive and treatment measure.
  • One can comfortably continue with their normal life even when undergoing this procedure.

These are all good examples of how acupuncture can help your body.

side effects of acupuncture

  • Pain, bruising, and bleeding at insertion sites (risky for patients with a bleeding disorder or anticoagulant users)

Other alarming side effects of the acupuncture procedure arise mainly from lack of hygiene and training of the practitioner. Such include;

  • Infection due to the use of unsterilized needles of internal organs, especially the lungs, which can collapse
  • Wrong needle insertion angle or too deep, resulting in damage

Why Acupuncture May Be A Better Approach To Healing Than Using Modern Western Medications:

Modern Western medications have side effects that sometimes even outweigh the condition that the medications are intended to treat. This means that they will do more harm than good, especially when used for a long period of time. Acupuncture, on the other hand, leaves no significant side effects if performed safely by the right professional. Another good example of how acupuncture can help your body.

The different types of acupuncture include:


This type of acupuncture involves rotating the needles once they are inserted into the body or stimulating them with a mild electrical current. It gives the patient a tingling sensation which, according to some doctors, facilitates healing.

Body acupuncture

This is the most common type of acupuncture which involves inserting fine needles into various points on the body ranging from the toe to the head. The treatment is used to combat a wide range of conditions.

ear acupuncture

This type of acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into the ear where there are believed to be acupuncture points representing all parts of the body. The procedure is useful for combating addictions such as alcohol or smoking and, combined with body acupuncture, can help treat infertility.

Acupressure and aquaacoustics

With this type of acupuncture, the practitioner massages or presses on key acupuncture points. This acupuncture is useful to combat fatigue, skin conditions or painful states such as migraines. Patients do not necessarily need to visit clinics when undergoing this type of procedure. They can learn to do this type of acupuncture with the help of their doctors or programs like the Natural Synergy system. In this way, they will be taught to identify the critical points and massage themselves in the comfort of their home. Of course, no professional will easily teach you how to do this type of treatment on your own because you will lose clients.

Most of them charge per session and the more sessions you attend, the better for your pocket. But what about you? You’re improving? Are there any issues on your end like time or privacy? If the answers to the above questions are no and yes respectively, maybe you need an alternative.

Natural Synergy

Natural Synergy is a program designed to teach you the art of acupressure and help you achieve your health goals in the comfort of your own home. Emily J. Parker was the mind behind this program where her goal is to help patients eliminate the root cause of various diseases instead of just fighting the symptoms like most medications do.

Natural Synergy offers natural solutions to various psychological or emotional conditions. The program teaches you how to use acupressure to remove blockages in the body so that it functions naturally and smoothly for overall wellness. Through this program, one will learn to identify the meridian points that they need to focus on in order to effectively combat a health condition.

Poor nutrition is the main cause of most diseases. With the help of this program, one will learn how to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to stay healthy. One will also be able to identify diseases that can be reversed naturally.

The Natural Synergy system is well presented in audio and video tutorials so that anyone can easily use it, regardless of their educational level. This program can help you maintain your body’s overall wellness with a natural approach. There are no side effects, and the best thing is that you can practice the guidelines of this program while enjoying the comfort of your own home.


Still wondering how acupuncture can help your body? The above article describes everything you need to know about this ancient treatment procedure. It can combat a wide range of health conditions and the best thing is that it is completely natural and without side effects. We hope that the above article was useful and helped explain the health benefits of acupuncture treatment and how acupuncture can help your body.

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