First came the Ab Doer and now comes the Ab Doer Twist. The Ab Doer Twist incorporates 360-degree movement and patented “Torsion-Flex” technology that targets muscles most other ab machines can’t.

This machine not only targets the abs and obliques, but also the hips, glutes, inner and outer thighs, legs, and hamstrings. Tone your muscles while performing an aerobic workout, all from a seated position.

By using the ergonomically designed contoured arm bars, you’ll also tone the muscles in your biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, and upper back. Just swing your arms up and down and get a complete full body workout.

Let’s take a look at all the features of the Ab Doer Twist.

An advanced Torsion-Flex technology works the hard-to-reach “metabolically active” muscles in the hips, inner and outer thighs, and even the buttocks. The arm bars are contoured, which encourages toning of the upper body muscles (biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and upper back). It features a massage roller that provides an incredible therapeutic massage with each repetition. This abdominal machine is made of heavy-gauge steel, making it durable and solid. It also comes with 4 exercise DVDs, 2 exercise booklets, and the “Healthy Eating Plan.”


Along with toning your abdominal muscles, you’ll also get an aerobic workout, all while sitting down! His body is fully supported and anatomically aligned, allowing him to use his muscles more effectively. Its shaped arms result in less pain and less strain on the neck, shoulders, upper back, wrists, hands, and elbows. This ab machine is easy to put together, and when you’re done with your workout, you can simply fold the Ab Doer up for easy storage.


If you are at an advanced fitness level, you may need to purchase multi-resistance bars to provide even more resistance and a more challenging core workout. Another option is to simply do MORE reps to get a similar benefit.

The Ab Doer Twist is for:

1. Anyone from a beginner to an athlete.

2. Those who wish to combine an aerobic routine with entertaining abdominal work.

3. People who are tired of kneeling on the floor and straining their necks doing sit-ups and squats.

Overall this is a very well designed ab machine. The anatomically correct position minimizes pain and stress, allowing for efficient training, which means you’ll get better results in less time. To achieve the best results with any ab exercise machine, you’ll need to add some type of cardio routine. With the Ab Doer Twist you will get aerobic exercise as well as a targeted abdominal and oblique workout.

Some of you may find that you will reach a point where you may want more endurance from your machine. You can purchase multiple resistance bars for an even more challenging all-around body workout. Because the rods are priced extra, I gave it a slightly lower score in my review. Lastly, I liked that this machine allows you to sit in a comfortable position while working out, in a relatively small workspace. Remember, constant effort will produce amazing results!

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