Is Delta-8 federally legal?

It’s time for the US government to completely take over hemp and make it federally legal again, because if it ever gets legalized here in the States, it will be imported from overseas and sold in our pharmacies as another prescription drug. Americans are sick and tired of the over regulation of drugs at the state and federal level. Why does the government want to make it illegal?

Delta 8 THC Legal

Two decades ago The Government began experimenting with a synthetic cannabis which was called delta-8 THC. The government hoped to use this new drug for testing purposes, but what they discovered was that delta-8 THC has twice the potency of THC, so they banned all cannabis products containing it. Many people think that this includes sirloin steaks, but it actually refers to any beef product, including “pink” and “white” pig’s liver. People believe that marijuana is a safer drug than alcohol, but there is no data to prove that, and I’m not sure why the government would release information that couldn’t be used for testing purposes. The reason why the government wants to make it illegal is they don’t like it, and they certainly don’t wish to make more drug addicts out of marijuana users.

When you ask me if marijuana is any less harmful than delta-8 THC, I say only marginally. The long term effect of inhaling large amounts of smoke ( cannabis ) is basically the same as eating marijuana. You won’t get high, you’ll feel uncomfortable and your lungs will end up feeling like they’ve been smothered by balloons. If you ingest cannabis, that is the only way your body will feel its “natural high”. The difference is that you can consume small amounts of both weed and hemp-derived compound ( delta-8 THC included) throughout the day, without any of the unpleasant side effects.

Is Delta-8 federally legal? – hemp and make it federally legal again

Some people are concerned that marijuana is not yet federally legal, because it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for medical use. This concern is valid, because scientists have discovered that delta-8 THC and CBD ( Cannabidiol, also known as CBD oil or hemp oil) have medicinal qualities that are significantly more powerful than THC. The government is taking steps, including scheduling laws against selling marijuana, that mirror those against ingesting controlled substances. That means it’s unlikely the government will ever allow delta-8 THC and CBD for medical use.

My position is that we should fully legalize marijuana, because it is a plant; it doesn’t have any abuse potential. But delta-8 THC and CBD should be treated the same way pharmaceuticals are treated. We need clinical studies done on these compounds to see how they work, and what side effects they might cause. If there are no serious complications, then they should be available for anyone to buy, without restrictions. Until such time, I say don’t buy a delta-8 product.

For now, my position is “I’m not an expert, but I’ll try to be objective”. Since I live in a rural area where the only delta-8 harvesting is done on the farms, I don’t have access to the medical data on the healthfulness or safety of the products. I can, however, offer my personal opinion based on personal experience with some products. Personally, I haven’t seen the health benefits of CBD oil or CBD vapor rub; however, I’ve tried some of the top selling herbal concentrates on the market, and I find they work well. If you’d like to learn more about the hemp/ cannabis market in California, please visit my website.

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