Automated Social Bookmarking
The only traffic I like to experience is the one that leads to my blog. There are several ways to drive traffic to your site, whether paid or free. I like to get free (organic) traffic, and one way to help drive traffic to your blog and/or article is to create automated social bookmarking. It is a process that allows you to submit your article to multiple social bookmarking sites in one submission.

Why do I need a social bookmark?
If you are an internet marketer, there is no doubt that you need social bookmarking to add to your repertoire. Social bookmarking sites like Technorati, Digg, and allow you to add links to sites they like and visitors can take those links and add them to their personal lists, making your site go viral.

This concept is a fantastic way to get traffic to your sites. For this magic to happen, you have to bookmark your URLs yourself and hope that others will recognize and share your links. If you checked in Digg, users will have to vote on your posts.

If you have enough people voting for your entry, you can make it to the front page of the bookmarking site. Hitting the front page will expose you to thousands of visitors. What can you do with this traffic? Hopefully, it’s prepared with a funnel of some sort. Social bookmarking sites are very sensitive, so it is important that you keep this in mind. ONLY SUBMIT CONTENT THAT IS NEWS WORTHY! Basically, don’t use these sites for a sales pitch for your product or service. Make sure you are providing value. Even if you don’t have content that isn’t shared by others, it will still help you with backlinks and getting your site indexed. Therefore, it is a win-win situation.

How does automated social bookmarking play a role in backlinks?
The process that I explained to you to submit your URL can take a long time. To put that statement in perspective, there are hundreds of social bookmarking sites. How long do you think it will take you to send to each and every site? You don’t have to submit to everyone, but there are a substantial number of sites you want to submit to. For me, it would take too long… especially since my time is limited due to my wife and four children.

This is where automation comes in. There are services that make submitting your links simple and fast. I’m talking about typing your link and then hitting the submit button. The service does the rest for you. If you’ve never heard of Onlywire, an automated social bookmarking service, well, now you have and you should give it a try. It is a FREE service. (For a certain number of shipments per month)

Onlywire has made my life easier. Now, I can send to numerous sites with one click. Think of how much traffic you will be able to achieve now. You will be building backlinks that you never thought you could get!

Get those backlinks by using an automated social bookmarking service. You will be ecstatic when your site gets indexed faster and ranks higher and makes it to the first page of Google. This is a great way to generate organic traffic. Take action and don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help.

Helping you succeed

louis maire

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