Here are some fat tummy weight loss tips and tricks that will help you achieve a leaner, flatter stomach in no time (pun intended). Look, your biggest challenge is probably your stomach fat. That is also the most dangerous fat on your body. NEEDS TO GO. Read this article now so you can learn how to make this happen.

Fat belly weight loss

1. Do interval training

No matter what you do, do intervals where you do it hard and fast and then follow those with intervals where you do it slow and easy. This goes with running and walking, biking, stair climbing, elliptical cross trainer, and whatever else you can think of. By doing quick intervals followed by slow intervals, you not only burn fat during exercise, your body burns rapidly for up to 18 hours NON-STOPPING AFTER you are done exercising.

This is where the big weight loss happens. This is called “AFTERBURN”. This is not achieved with a constant jog or the same speed when doing any exercise.

2. Rub your belly fat in circles

This is great for reducing blemishes. Others say it can’t be reduced on time, I say YOU CAN. I do this after meals for 1-2 minutes, but you can also do it right after waking up and just before going to bed.

Rub your belly in circles for a minute with your right hand and then rub it again for 1 minute with your left hand. That is all. This stimulates better digestion and also has a loosening and disintegrating effect on the fat cells on which it is rubbed.

These are 2 fat tummy weight loss protocols that have been shown to work over the years.

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